Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Wedging Table In Use

It's hard to see wire that's attached to the white post, but Jim's slicing a lump oc reclaim on that wire. 
Now you can see the wire. You can also see the handy bag holder which doubles as the hose holder. We've got sand. There's no way anyone could make the sand we've got any more useless for plant growth than it already is. The hose makes for easy clean up. Perhaps after a couple hundred years of wedging clay and washing the remains onto the ground, we might have a tiny patch of real soil. 

Jim's working on wedging ^04 reclaim. We take all the ^04, white, red, assorted, and toss it into one bucket. The result is pretty great clay even if we can't specifically duplicate the clay. Jim likes using reclaim for his extrusions. 

1 comment:

carly chichester said...

I am unable to access anymore info than your basic comments about the table, but I am curious about the slightly "humped" shape. Is there an ergonomic reason for that, maybe to accommodate height differences, or to relieve wrist and arm strain? Thanks.